Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Dog Doesn’t Come When I Call

One of the most common complaints is "my dog doesn't come when I call".

Training the recall is one of the funniest of all dog-training exercises because we do so much completely wrong! Let me explain.

This is what we want to achieve: When we call our dog "here Bella" we want Bella to come sprinting as fast as she can to us.

Now, in order to achieve this we must make "here Bella" the best command in the world. With the best result and rewards at the end!

So here are some tips!

  • Never call your dog if you are thinking of telling her off! You can undo months and months of hard work training your dog to come by telling her off just once. Suddenly coming when you call could be a really bed move!
  • 9 times out of 10 make sure that your dog has a good experience when she comes if you call you. On the 10th recall if you need to put your dog on a leash then do so.
  • When you call your dog to you think of coming as more of a "check in with me" than a "I am calling you to stop what you are doing".
  • Use a long line to keep control of your dog if you are unsure. A long line is a piece of line or rope that can be as long as you like that lies on the ground but you keep within reach!
  • If your dog hates returning to the car then reward your dog back at the car with water and a small feed and things will soon turn around!

The basic formula to any good recall training is:

  1. CALL your dog to you, then
  2. REWARD your dog within 2 seconds and then immediately
  3. RELEASE your dog.

In order to make your dog enjoy the experience you should learn the power of using affection and attention by withholding it and only giving it as a reward. This is one of the most powerful tools available to us and yet we get it all so wrong by giving the dog attention whenever they want and wondering why they don't come when we call them!






Older Dog Toileting Inside

So your older dog is toileting inside and you don't understand why? Okay. Let me explain. First of all I should confirm that what we are talking about here is a dog that has already been toilet trained and has achieved this for a considerable period of time say more than 6 months. We also need to be sure that the dog is not so old that it is incontinent or sick. If none of the above are the case and you feel that it is behavioral then I can assure you it most likely is and the problem is simply this.

Your dog is 99.98% the DNA of a wolf. For a minute think of your dog as a wolf, in cute doggy clothing. The way your dog still works and thinks is still like a wolf! Now the chance of you actually being the pack leader is very slim. Believe me….if you want to check out to see if you are the pack leader then there is an amazing video web site where you can see how you fair!

Anyway back to the toileting in the house, in the wild if a wolf puppy was lost and needed to find their way home how would they go about it? There are no GPS systems, no street signs or maps to follow…..the puppies would follow their nose. They would pick up the scent of the den and track it back to safety and the adult dog pack would make sure there was a good strong fresh scent to follow!

Now, for a second let me amuse you. You are not the pack leader, your dog is, and when you leave your dog it is doing exactly what it would do in nature to help you find your way home… and guess what?… you return home. Only thing is when you return you are all stressed and angry (because you were lost maybe?) – Nothing to do with the new carpet being ruined.





Stop Your Puppy Jumping Up

Learning how to stop a puppy from jumping up is something you need to get onto straight away.

Puppies jumping up are a very natural thing that they do when they are little – to get attention – and in the wild to get fed by licking the Mother's face to encourage food to be regurgitated. Showing your puppy that it does not get attention when it jumps is something that you should encourage from a very early age. Often it can seem like fun when a puppy is very small but when your dog grows to 35kg and can jump 5 foot high it is not so funny.

If you do not stop the jumping when your puppy is little then when your puppy turns into a larger dog it soon turns into a more dominant display of demanding your attention!

  1. If your puppy is jumping up, simply turn and walk away. Ignore your puppy, no eye contact, no speaking and no touching.
  2. Continue to ignore and then after your puppy has calmed down, wait for 5 minutes and then call your puppy to you.
  3. If your puppy does not stop then isolate your puppy by either leaving the room or by putting the puppy in another room.

Puppy jumping up on visitors:

  • If your puppy is jumping on your visitors then ask them to do the same as described above. It may also help if you hold the puppy by its collar or on a lead until they relax – then release. If your puppy decides to mouth you then you should immediately isolate them in another room or a crate.

Puppy jumping up at you when you are getting ready for the walk:

  • Put the leash down and wait for 10 minutes or until your puppy is calm, then try again. This is important and although you are keen to go for a walk you should not rush it!

Important concepts:

  • It is really important not to speak – to stay calm and not say a word when your puppy jumps up. Remember your puppy is an attention-seeking machine!
  • Your puppy's jumping up and space invading is not its way of saying I love you!!
  • Space is very important to a dog and if she can invade yours whenever she wants then she will lose respect for you.
  • How would you feel if a human constantly invaded your space! It is more similar than you think!!
  • Start as you mean to go on. When your puppy is calm then you can call her and pick her up for a cuddle
  • When you are ignoring your puppy keep your arms folded and walk past the puppy confidently and assertively.

The two most common mistakes:

  1. Inconsistency – sometimes puppy jumping up is given attention!
  2. People make eye contact…This invites your puppy over, so do not make eye contact, focus on something else.

Another trick that will help is to train your puppy to sit for everything! If you can get your puppy to practise lots of "sits" then her default behaviour will simply be to sit when you call her, and not jump!





The Basics of Class Necessities

So, you just started playing World of Warcraft. Or maybe you're learning everything you need to know about the game while you play right now. Maybe you've been playing for a few months or even years. I don't really care how long you've been playing the game; the odds are that you don't really know everything you need about your class and I'll tell you why I know this without actually seeing your account. First of all, almost no one knows enough about their own class. Sure, you have a few wins under your belt in PvP, but that's more because the other players are just as ignorant about the fundamentals as you are. Throw a bunch of beginners in a room and someone will come out on top…doesn't mean they are the best.

Okay, enough of the brow beating. I'm not trying to insult my fellow WoW fanatics by any means. In fact, what I'm really hoping to do here is to show you just how much you need help with your class. Whether you're a PvP fanatic or just a raiding pro, you probably don't have all the tools you need – the right gear, the epic class mount, or the right talent spec. Most people don't and that's why sites like ElitistGuide.com even exist in the first place. They know that there are people out there like yourself that don't know what they are doing and need a little help.

I stumbled across this little beauty a few days ago while I was looking up some information on playing as a Paladin. I have played almost every class in the game except the Paladin and to tell you the truth, I was growing really tired of trying to figure things out as I went along. I wanted to enjoy the game and have a few pointers to help me do so. That's how I came across Elitist Guide and how I learned that there are in fact people out there who know a lot more than me about this game. Yes, I was just as shocked as you…

So, I bought the Paladin guide and started to read about what I should be doing. Of course, I knew the basics more or less, but I didn't know the exact talent specs to start with or the gear to be specing towards. I didn't know how to defeat a Druid in PvP (and these strategies downright work, trust me there). Basically, I learned the few things I didn't know, reinforced what I thought I already knew and am now in the process of rotating between destroying opponents in PvP and backing up tanks in raids depending on what kind of mood I'm in when I log in. This Paladin is now one of my favorite characters and without sounding too much like a clich̩, it's all thanks to ElitistGuide.com. Trust me in this Рyou should definitely check it out if you can.





Becoming a PvP Monster with IWinButtons Guide for WoW

Tired of getting ganked by enemies your own level? Eager to compete in battlegrounds, but constantly confronted by foes who seem to move and fight like lightning, and who stretch your character out on the ground before you've even hit your first button? Don't let these clowns work you over – the IWinButtons guide has methods deal with gankers of all levels. Get your guide today, and come out swinging!
Speed and precision are what win PvP battles, whether a single duel or a huge 40-man battleground like Alterac Valley or Isle of Conquest. Life and death hang on a split second of reaction time, and if you don't get off the exact sequence of attacks and abilities that the situation calls for, then your character is dead and on their way to a thirty-second sojourn in the local graveyard.
PvP is the most intensely demanding and challenging part of the World of Warcraft game, and one ill-timed slip-up – or even just a moment's hesitation – can lead to your character being slain and perhaps the whole battle being lost as well, if your team is deprived of your help at a crucial moment. And, as anyone who has played battlegrounds will know, there are very few moments indeed that aren't crucial! IWinButtons is your best bet to do this – and let me tell you why…
Macros and keybindings are the best way to ensure your reflexes are quick enough to get off a complex, furious flurry of attacks in exactly the order they need be launched in to kill your opponent. Pressing a button and triggering a sequence of deadly, swift, precisely ordered attacks is the only way to ensure that you won't end up wasting time with incorrect clicks, a moment of confusion, or thinking too hard about what you need to do – or giving your foe an opening with a heartbeat of uncertainty.
IWinButtons is crammed with information on the best macros used by the world's most successful arena and PvP players. You won't find any duds in this guide – every macro has been picked carefully and tested intensively to make sure it's the best possible for the role it's supposed to fulfill. These are the actual macros of players who have discovered the combinations of moves that let them dominate PvP, and become the strongest characters in the battleground – or the top arena teams of their server, as the case may be.
Don't fail to take advantage of the unprecedented opportunity that IWinButtons offers you – to get as good as the pros through the very same methods they use, without all the pain of trial, error, and experimentation they went through.
Get your copy of IWinButtons – A Definitive Guide to Macros and Keybinds now and drive your foes before you with a bloodcurdling yell of triumph. Remember, if you know about this chance to make your character into a PvP juggernaut, and don't make use of it, then you have nobody to blame but yourself the next time a character using these macros and keybindings "rolls" you in PvP.





Cataclysm Gold Hot Spots

Right now, World of Warcraft has just undergone a major upheaval. Not only are there five new zones filled with profitable end-game content, but every zone from Level 1-60 has been completely overhauled too, leaving players with dozens of new places and methods to farm for gold. So, if you're looking for a way to make a profit on the fly, you need a strategy to help you get there. Here are some hot spots along the path.

Twilight Highlands Farming
First up is the big daddy of Cataclysm farming – Twilight Highlands. Once you reach Level 85 and finish the quest chains here, you'll be able to access pretty much anything you need in this one zone. You will find Volatile Fire outside the Bastion of Twilight as well as just west of the Maw of Madness, Volatile Earth east of Thundermar, and Volatile Water north of the Bastion of Twilight and west of Dragonmaw Port. You will also find a lot of Embersilk drop spots in the Dunward Ruins and near the Elementium Depths. Finally, there are Highland Elk here who drop Savage Leather at higher than normal percentages.

Old World Overhauls
Don't forget too that the old world zones from Vanilla WoW have been overhauled completely, leaving a number of new hot spots for farming. Zul'Farrak can be flown over now and farmed for mageweave and silk cloth with ease. You'll also find some good drops in the newly revamped Feralas, as well as in Desolace's newly populated greenlands.

Building Your Ore Stock
The most obvious way to make gold in any expansion is by loading up on the new ores for mining. In Cataclysm, you will find Elementium and Obsidium Ore littered throughout the starting zones and Pyrium Ore along the rock walls and near the instance entrances of Twilight Highlands. If you're in Uldum, make sure to farm on Whiptail too as it is very much available in the areas around the river
You should also watch out for the lower than average population in Vashj'ir. While nowhere near empty, it is far less populated as a starting spot at 80 than Mount Hyjal and since players only need to choose one, it is a good option for gold farmers. Of course, that may change depending on your server population so make sure to check first.

If you like making gold, Cataclysm brought more methods than players have seen in a very long time. That should make you extremely excited so make sure to sit down, build your strategies and start farming. It's time to get rich.





Cataclysm Scalper Reviewed – Is it Worth It?

For the last few weeks I've been seeing a lot of buzz about the new gold guide on the market from Jonathan. It's called Cataclysm Scalper and it's been built around a few very simple ideas that we've seen many times before – most of them dealing with the Auction House.

By now, you should know that the only real way to make gold in World of Warcraft is to use the Auction House to trade goods based on economic conditions. This isn't new and a lot of good guides have been written showing players how to take advantage of the tools and add-ons out there that analyse the auction house.

But with the Undermine Journal now defunct and with other guides failing to update or adapt to post-cataclysm changes, a lot of us were looking for something new to take on the mantle of "ultimate auction house guide." Cataclysm Scalper hoped to do that and has mostly succeeded.

What Cataclysm Scalper Does Right

The reason I can so highly recommend Cataclysm Scalper is that it actually SHOWS you almost everything you need to know to be effective in the game making gold. You get the text descriptions and walkthroughs, but you also get a series of images and videos, plus a slew of tools that show you how to develop your own spreadsheets, charts and diagrams to track prices and choose the right items to buy.

I've never seen it done before and probably for good reason – it looks like a lot of work. But, it's absolutely successful in that you now have every tool you need to be effective making gold. If you're like me and are tired of old, unupdated guides trying to tell you what to do, get over to Cataclysm Scalper.